Does a Tooth Extraction Count As a Surgery?

Does a Tooth Extraction Count As a Surgery?

Aug 01, 2022

Surgical tooth extractions are relatively standard in the United States. However, in most cases, tooth extraction in Downtown Toronto are reasonably straightforward. However, sometimes tooth removal requires an involved process because it is complicated.

This article looks at what counts for surgical tooth removal and why it might become necessary. Information on how to care for your mouth after a surgical extraction is also provided in this article.

Why Can’t a Tooth Be Preserved?

Preserving a tooth is always the primary goal dentists hope to achieve. However, there are situations when tooth extractions are beneficial. The conditions include disease, trauma, and crowding in the mouth.

When it is challenging to preserve a tooth using restorative options like fillings and crowns, dentists recommend extractions as an excellent option. Teeth without bone support due to periodontal disease may also need removal, besides infected teeth not responding to root canal treatment.

How to Realize Whether Your Tooth Needs Removal?

The problem that needs correction determines whether your tooth needs removal or can be preserved. The dentist decides after assessing your situation and taking x-rays. To provide aesthetic results and long-term stability, dentists avoid extractions in many cases. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth removal is a standard practice because they are often impacted and emerge when they don’t have sufficient space in the jawbone to erupt in the mouth thoroughly.

Difference between Simple and Surgical Extractions

A simple extraction is when your tooth is visible above the gum line, and your dentist in Little Italy can extract it easily with elevators to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it from its socket.

However, if your dentist must remove gum tissue and bone before tooth extraction, you will likely require a surgical procedure. You might be concerned about surgical extractions, but there is no reason to worry. With present-day technology and anesthesia, besides advances in dentistry, your comfort and safety are adequately supported. You will require sutures in the mouth and will likely receive a prescription for painkillers to ensure you recover quickly with minimal discomfort.

Causes for Surgical Extractions

Dentists determine whether you need a simple or surgical extraction by taking x-rays and examining your tooth. Unfortunately, there are occasions when a simple tooth extraction might require surgery. For example, your dentist might need to perform an extensive surgical procedure if your breaks during the removal.

Some other causes for surgical extractions are the following:

  • Wisdom tooth extraction if it is impacted and the dentist must cut bone and tissue.
  • Extracting broken teeth.
  • Removing root tips or teeth with long curved roots.
  • A tooth or molar breaking off at the gum line.

Therefore not every tooth extraction counts as a surgery. It is only when your dentist has to make surgical incisions in the gums that it becomes a surgical extraction or oral surgery.

Surgical Post-Surgery After-Care Instructions

You will likely have sutures to care for when you undergo surgical extractions. Whether your tooth removal is simple or surgical, following your dentist’s post-operative instructions carefully is essential. You can set yourself up for speedy recovery without complications by following your dentist’s instructions. Some recommendations your dentist will likely suggest following the procedure include:

  • Resting Your Mouth: Refrain from talking, drinking, and eating for at least two to three hours after tooth removal and avoid using straws, smoking, or spitting while you recover.
  • Consume Soft Foods and Liquids: after the bleeding subsides, drink plenty of cold or lukewarm fluids. Dentists recommend soft foods and liquids before incorporating other foods into your diet. Your dentist provides instructions on a diet you must have after tooth extraction.
  • Brushing Your Teeth: Avoid rinsing or brushing your teeth for 12 hours after surgical tooth removal. After that, you can brush as usual by avoiding the extraction site. Your dentist might recommend rinsing your mouth with warm salt water to prevent infections in the mouth.
  • Take Medications As Prescribed: Follow your dentist’s instructions when taking prescribed painkillers. The medications help you recover without complications but have certain risks associated with them. Therefore you must discuss the dangers of using prescription pain relievers with your dentist before taking the medicines.

If pain or bleeding persists, do not forget to contact your dentist in Downtown Toronto for advice because contacting them will prevent complications while allowing you to recover smoothly.

Surgical tooth extractions in Downtown Toronto, are nothing to worry about. The dentists use up-to-date procedures and anesthesia during the process, and the extraction helps you enjoy better oral health in the long term.

Rusholme Family Dentistry performs simple and surgical tooth extractions on many patients. If you must have a tooth extracted and are worried about the surgery, kindly do not hesitate to contact this practice for the procedure.

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